Select the module folders below ↓ to explore the supplemental OER resources that have been added to each unit/module. Additional teaching resources can be found on the left-hand course menu. WHAT ARE MODULES?A module is a unit of study in a course. Modules are often grouped by week and by topic. Module folders typically contain all the learning activities and materials that are relevant to a given week or unit. Each of the module folders in this SPE 2100 OER resource shell contains the same items that are inside the SPE 2100 Universal Course Shell, with the addition of supplemental open educational resources (OERs) for you to browse through and use in your own teaching, if you wish. In each module below, you will find:
- Student learning outcomes, which define the new knowledge and skills you will acquireLearning materials, including readings and videosAssignments comprised of smaller assignments and multiple speechesSupplemental Open Educational Resources (OERs) that pertain to the module’s topic
This week, you will be introduced to Ethics inThe Basics of public speaking. By the end of this module, you will be able to:

- Define the elements of the communication process.
- Explain what distinguishes public speaking from other modes of communication.
- Explain the origins of anxiety in public speaking.
- Apply strategies for dealing with anxiety about public speaking.
Module 2 – Developing Topics to Public Speaking
Module 3 – Informative Speaking and Presentation Aids
Module 4 – Demonstration Speech
Module 5 – Researching for your Speeches
Module 6 – Building Your Speech