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OER Resources
- Select the module folders below ↓ to explore the supplemental OER resources that have been added to each unit/module. Additional teaching resources can be found on the left-hand course menu. WHAT ARE MODULES?A module is a unit of study in a course. Modules are often grouped by week and by topic. Module folders typically contain all the learning activities and materials that are relevant to a given week or unit. Each of the module folders in this SPE 2100 OER resource shell contains the same items that are inside the SPE 2100 Universal Course Shell, with the addition of supplemental open educational resources (OERs) for you to browse through and use in your own teaching, if you wish. In each module below, you will find:
- Student learning outcomes, which define the new knowledge and skills you will acquireLearning materials, including readings and videosAssignments comprised of smaller assignments and multiple speechesSupplemental Open Educational Resources (OERs) that pertain to the module’s topic
Open educational resources (OERs) are course materials (e.g., videos, texbooks, assignments, lessons, PPTs, surveys, rubrics) that you can freely use, remix, and/or adapt to your teaching needs, depending on the license. OERs are often licensed under what is called a Creative Commons license. Visit KCC’s Open Ed Initiative page to learn more about OERs at KCC.
Module 1- Introduction to Public Speaking
Module 2- Developing Topics and Introduction Speech
Module 3- Informative Speaking and Presentation Aids
Module 4-Demonstration Speech
Module 5- Researching for your Speeches
Module 6-Building Your Speech
Module 7-Introductions and Conclusions
Module 8- Speech Delivery
Module 9- Informative Speech
Module 10- Persuasive Speaking and Audience Analysis
Module 11-Logical Reasoning and Language Use
Module 12- Persuasive Speech
Welcome to SPE 2100
Dear Students,
Hope you all are doing well. A warm welcome to SPE1100 W50(40820))! I am Prof. Ashwini Kadave and I’m looking forward to getting to know each one of you this semester. We will be seeing each other on ( day, time, location and modality)
In order to have a successful semester it is really important that we get off to a good start and keep the momentum up throughout the semester. You don’t need to purchase a book for our class. We will be referring to the below mentioned book.
The access to which is free for the students. For the first day of your class, XXX. you are required to read the first 2 chapters from the public speaking project book ( can be found on Blackboard course materials or on the above mentioned link) and come prepared to share your thoughts and insights. In addition, you are required to read your syllabus carefully and come prepared to answer a short quiz. Syllabus can be found on blackboard under classroom materials. I am also attaching a copy of the same along with my email.
I am prompt in terms of replying to my emails. Should you need any clarifications or further assistance, do not hesitate to contact me via email.
EMAIL POLICY: Students are required to follow proper email etiquette when emailing me in order to receive a response:
- Begin each email with a brief subject line to give me an indications to the nature of your correspondence.
- Clearly identify yourself with your full name and class section or the days and time of your class in all correspondence.
- Use correct grammar and spelling in all correspondence with the Professor and address me with respect (i.e. Professor/Ms. Kadave).
- Close your email properly with a clear closing (i.e. Thank You, Sincerely, etc.) followed by your full name.
Should you have any questions or need any clarifications, do not hesitate to contact me. Looking forward to seeing you all on….
Best Regards,
Ashwini Kadave